Systems and Tools
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Engaged Face
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Research and statistics

  1. Companies with an engagement score of 60% or higher have an average 5 year shareholder return of more than 20%, while companies with engagement scores of less than 40% usually have a negative return of 10% to shareholders.

  2. Employee engagement is the number one factor identified by CEO's in achieving success in the future with 90% of organisations dealing with this employee issue at board level (Human Resource Magazine)

  3. The right employee engagement strategies can boost organisational performance by 44% (The International Society for Performance Improvement)

  4. Australia has some of the lowest engagement levels in the world with fewer than 20% of employees engaged, 60% not engaged and 20% disengaged, according to the Gallop Organisation.

  5. Analysts suggests turnover costs companies between one and two times an employee’s salary in lost productivity. This means that for a company with 1000 employees and a 20% turnover the cost could be over $13,000,000 annually in lost productivity.

  6. AHRI found that 70% of office workers believe that the most important consideration when choosing a new job is the company's culture.

  7. The Gallop Organisation found that after six months in a new job engagement drops by an average of 62%.

  8. The majority of managers (89%) believe that employees leave for more money, whereas 88% of employees actually leave for reasons other than money (Saratoga Institute Research).

  9. According to Relationships Australia, 80% of people are finding it increasingly difficult to get work life balance.

  10. Around 97% of employees say they experience financial stress, yet only around 3% take responsibility of matters.

  11. Less than 30% of companies measure the cost of staff turnover. (Source: Mercer Cullen Egan Dell)

  12. Less than 33% of organisations reported holding managers accountable for retaining staff. (Source: Mercer Cullen Egan Dell)

  13. An 86% higher share holder return is generated by companies that spend more than the average on training. (Source: American Society for Training & Development)

  14. Most employees (87%) say that they are most productive in their jobs when surrounded by colleagues with whom they share a good relationship.