Outcomes and Objectives
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Engaged Face

Program Objectives and Outcomes


Program Topic



Understanding self-leadership and what personally engages individuals

Having people engaged in the self-leadership concept

Everyone being champions for themselves first, then cultural change can happen

Lifestyle Priorities & Balancing Success

Understand the psychological theory of quality of life and work life balance

Heightened self responsibility, reduced entitlement “whinge” culture

Key Success Criteria

Create clear success benchmarks, priorities and develop a current situation analysis reality check

Increase employee productivity & improved performance

Fulfilment at Work

Individuals being more satisfied at work and therefore more engaged

More employee productivity
Greater performance

Creating a Future Vision

Create engaging personal 5 year vision that helps increase personal control and reduces stress

More confident and empowered workforce. Greater business success and profitability

Obstacles & Challenges

Enhanced skills to overcome business and personal problem solving

Create a more resourceful culture with increased employee engagement & reduce staff turnover

Developing Personal Action Plans

Individually accountable strategies, success systems & implementation plans

Create a less stressed, more confident & happier workforce. Better performance, effectiveness & success


On-going strategies and practical tools for making change e.g meCentral.com

More sustainability and on-going bottom line results

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