Speaking Coach

A Speaking Coach Helps You Discover
Your Message & Authentic Unique Style of
Delivering It So Nerves Easily Convert to Confidence

Want an Australian Professional Speakers ‘Hall of Fame’ speaking coach who can help maximise your potential?

Would a speaking coach who is Educator of the Year help confidently fast-track your ability?

Want to learn the tips, tricks and secrets of presenting from a speaking coach with over 20 years full-time professional speaking experience?

There were so many tips, strategies and tools to better myself as a presenter. As my speaking coach you exceeded my expectations, I laughed while learning.

Kim Huckerby, Learning and Development, Raise Foundation

Your Speaking Coach

Speaking coach Ian Hutchinson (B.Bus, Grad.Dip.Psy, CSP) is an Australian Professional Speakers Hall of Fame speaker & trainer, being honoured with the Educator of the Year Award of Excellence.

As a passionate speaking coach, Ian draws from his thousands of hours and decades of experience as a full-time professional keynote conference speaker and trainer, presenting all around the world.


My goal as a speaking coach is to always have everyone so engaged, so involved and having so much fun, that they don’t even realise they are fast-tracking their expertise.

Ian Hutchinson, Speaking Coach

Speaking Coach Objectives


Ian’s Fun Speaking Coach Style Helps You:

  • Engage & influence your audiences with less nerves and greater confidence
  • Dramatically increase your humour, comedy and audience impact
  • Amplifying your pre-existing authenticity, personality & strengths
  • Maximise your potential with a toolkit of proven techniques and strategies
  • Learn performance skills used by some of the best in the business
  • Fast-track your career, through an enjoyable learning experience

A wealth of experience and enthusiasm. Demystified and enabled me to learn and grow in both a stretch and supported environment. Practising and getting feedback from a professional speaking coach was invaluable.

Emma Weber, CEO & Founder of Lever - Transfer of Learning


Speaking Coach - Topic Examples


Knowing Your Audience and Message Match

How to identify your audiences challenges & problems that need solving
Distilling the essence of your message

How to Engage and Win Over Your Audience Early

The importance of the first two minutes
Different types of presentation starts.

Method Rules Over Message

Why over 90% of perception is in the Method, not Material
Making methods, ideas & techniques easily accessible

Finding Your Authentic Presentation Style

Different delivery styles & identifying your strengths & weakness
Different presentation roles
Topic development & finding your story

Preparation Strategies To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

The anatomy of preparation: planning before, during & after
Catering to difference audiences

Your Internal Pressures & Personal Psychology

Managing your nerves & inner critic to your advantage
Personal peak performance techniques

Understanding Potential External Breakage Points

The set up: Different rooms, staging, equipment & technology
Anticipate possible failure points & the presenters’ survival kit

Amplify Your Authenticity

Styles of people: don’t be a copycat, just amplify yourself
Vulnerability, openness & courage

Audience Engagement Tool Kit & Presentation Audit

Develop your very own customized delivery action plan includes tools such as

  • The ‘Theatre’ Experience
  • Humour, comedy & joke links
  • Music to energise the room
  • Videos & YouTube
  • Physicalisation & stagecraft
  • Research, stats & credibility
  • Audience use & Interaction
  • Themes, gimmicks & pull-through phrases
  • Energisers & state changes
  • Quick Quiz & reinforcements
  • Voice dynamics & pacing
  • Stories & examples
  • Images & visuals
  • Recalls & incorporations
  • Laser summaries
  • Shock tactics & the unbexpected
  • Give-a-ways, prizes & incentives
  • Visual aids & props
  • Handout, worksheets & activities
  • FAQ management & open forums

Practical Presenting

Signature stories & magnifying your uniqueness
Handling questions, managing FAQ & open forums

Pre-Starts and Powerful Closes

Pre-start’ and a commanding speaking introduction
Types of powerful closes and exit strategies

Dealing With Unforeseen Situations

Distilling your content into smaller time units & reductions
Strategies for dealing with ‘problem people’ or other unexpected distractions

Thinking On Your Feet Techniques

Building improvisational freedom and confidence if things need to change suddenly
Preparation for the unexpected

The Building of Speaking and Career Options

Your target audience and the best ‘pick a lane’ for your area of expertise
Sales and marketing and how to work with speaking bureaus
Business systems and leveraging opportunities for future success

Live Review & Feedback Sessions

Specific presentation polish and customised direction
Quick wins and key focus points for the biggest impact
Personal development, education and skills enhancement plans


Speaking Coach - Client Feedback

I was privileged to have Ian as my speaking coach. He has been invaluable and incredibly generous in sharing his wisdom and also helped me set goals for my speaking. I could not have had a better, more experienced and personable mentor and I can't thank him enough.

Dr Neryl East, International Speaker

Packed full of techniques and tools to support me. The most valuable thing was practicing my presentations and getting feedback from the expert!

Alison Pate, Executive Coach and Mentor, Participate International