From our recent ‘Obstacles to Engagement’ Research Study we identified six key challenges to effective employee engagement. You may recognise some of them:
1. Ineffective Solutions
“The engagement initiatives we have put in place aren’t getting the results we had hoped for. In fact the more we give our employees the more it seems to create a whinge entitlement culture”
2. Employee Clarity
“Most employees know what they don’t want; fewer know what really motivates and engages them. If employees don’t know what motivates them – how am I, as their people leader, going to have any chance?”
3. Skills, Tools & Resources
“Our people leaders/managers aren’t psychologists, counsellors & coaches. They don’t have the confidence, skills or tools to have a meaningful discussion (Stay Interview) with their employees around motivation and engagement”
4. Time Poor
“We pay our people. That should motivate them. Also I’m too busy…engagement isn’t part of my KPI’s … anyway it’s a human resources issue isn’t it?”
5. Inaction
“We are not sure what the ideal engagement solutions are for our organisation. We keep procrastinating and our indecision means we haven’t really committed to any engagement initiatives yet. Yikes – it’s almost time to do our next staff engagement survey!”
6. Buy In
“We haven’t been able to get full support for employee engagement from the most important areas of the business yet”
Source: “Obstacles to Engagement” Research Study 2013
The solution to all of the above engagement challenges is Employee Driven Engagement: The self-responsibility approach to engagement.
As a way of staying thanks for being part of our Life by Design community we are releasing an extract from our People Glue book. 48 pages of thought provoking content on how to change the landscape of employee engagement as we know it now!
People Glue Extract - Click Here For Instant Access