Key Drivers of Your Employee Talent Pool

What Drives Your Employee Talent Pool?

Do you know what the key motivational engagement drivers are for your employee talent pool, your team or your organisation?

Are you aware of how this knowledge would better enable you to unlock workforce potential?

To the uninitiated, money (Reward) is thought to be a key motivational engagement driver for the majority of employee talent.  In our experience, and contrary to this popular belief, it is very rare to see money (Reward) fall within the top three motivational engagement drivers – and for over a decade Life by Design has worked with the full spectrum of workplace cultures.


Industry Engagement Drivers

Here are examples using the 7 motivational engagement drivers for:

  1. A Charity / Cause (whole organisation)
  2. Finance Industry (Generation Y)
  3. FMCG Asia Pacific (Country Heads)


1. A Charity / Cause (total organisation)

Charity Organisation's 7 Drivers



2. Finance Industry (Generation Y)

Finance (Gen Y) 7 drivers example



3. FMCG Asia Pacific (Country Heads)

Asia-Pacific Leaders 7 Drivers


The critical point of understanding being that every employee is different.  Equally, for every team or organisation, what motivates and engages them will be different too.

So I’ll ask again, do you know what the key motivational engagement drivers are for your employee talent, your team or your organisation?  Are you aware of how this knowledge would better enable you to unlock workforce potential?

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