I don’t know anyone who likes performance reviews – they have become an annual pain in the backside for most employees and managers. When performance reviews are not done well they can become a waste of time for everyone.
Traditional performance reviews are very employer-centric. They focus on cascading organisational goals down to an employee’s role in achieving specific requirements for the business. Performance reviews are like a road map, “Get from A to B. Now what milestones have you met and how far along the road have you got?” The result, a smack or a carrot.
Typically Performance Reviews lack any discussions around the ‘rocket fuel’ used to get the individual along the road map.
Almost every time, the missing link in a performance review is what ‘rocket fuel’ is being used for the employee along the road map? Understanding your peoples’ top motivators and helping fulfil them is this rocket fuel and vital to performance.
We need to reboot our thinking on performance reviews and super charge them with a motivational element.
The flaw in performance reviews is the motivational aspect – the missing rocket fuel. Traditional performance reviews are old school. What is needed for effective achievement of targets and the improvement of engagement are ‘Motivational Performance Reviews’ (MPRs) which have a Personal Engagement Plan (PEP) or ‘Stay Interview’ component blended in with them.
Question: How do we make performance reviews really improve performance?
Answer: Make them ‘Motivational’ Performance Reviews
So bring Performance Reviews to life and start doing ‘Motivational Performance Reviews’ (MPR) simply and easily with any of these motivational engagement tools:
The accumulated benefits are that they all overlap in synergy, creating the outcome of a more engaged, motivated, performing and productive workforce. As mentioned previously, they can take as little as 15 minutes to do. The issue is, whilst they are easy to do, they are easier not to do. Considering the difference they can make, what will you choose?
As a way of staying thanks for being part of our Life by Design community we are releasing an extract from our People Glue book. 48 pages of thought provoking content on how to change the landscape of employee engagement as we know it now!
People Glue Extract - Click Here For Instant Access